Multiplex Business : Walking A Tight Rope

India is a country of cinemas. It produces almost more than 2000 movies each year in various languages. Indian cinema is a global enterprise. However, currently it is going through an evolution where the movie industry is shifting from the single screen movie theatres to multiplex. Research has shown that from the 1970s cinemas were no longer attracting proper audience. During the 1980s the general middle class people were not at all seen in the theatres they preferred only those halls which were within their colonies. This downshifting trend of the movie industry which continued for almost two decades had led to the appearance of multiplex, which could provide a suitable environment for theatrical experience of the middle class people. The arrival of multiplex changed the way of watching movies. Now it has better sound, picture quality, seating arrangement, availability of good snacks and beverages, also the convenience of shopping in case of shopping mall multiplexes. Blooming...