Wireless Evolution & The Road Ahead. It started with discovery of radio waves which soon led to Telegraph and eventually to Mobile Telephony. The very first generation of Cellular network was introduced in the late 70s with fully implemented standards being established through out the 80s. The radio signals used were 1G and were analog . The second generation 2G digital cellular system followed 1G analog cellular system with a considerable number of advancements, as early as 90s 2G system employed the digital TDMA & CDMA which was incorporated by U.S and China but Europe adopted GSM technologies which were than incorporated by India and in most of Asia .The most widely used 2G ie GSM broadcasts data at 9.6 kbps and is used in 900 & 1800 MHZs, 2G was followed by 2.5G or edge due to ever increasing subscriber base which couldn’t be catered by existing technology, thus 2G augmented to 2.5G with the introduction of new nodes in the core networks that supported ...